He graduated with honours from “Luiss Guido Carli” University in Rome in November 1987,
with thesis in tax fraud (Supervisor Professor Giovanni Maria Flick) and asked to publish
his thesis.
He belongs to Rome Bar Association from 1991, he is a lawyer qualified to advocacy in
High Court.
From 1987 to 1996, he was assistant of Prof. Flick in criminal law in LUISS University until
he was appointed Minister of Justice.
From 1988 to 1989, reserve officer at the corps of carabineers assigned to the training office
of the school for carabineer officers in Rome, he took care of the preparation of the business
criminal law course
From 1987 to 1996, he worked in the law firm of Prof. Giovanni Maria Flick in Rome, until
he was appointed Italian Minister of Justice specializing with regards to penal commercial
and tax law, and environment law.
From 1996 he is partner of Panella-Pellegrino-Flick Law Firm in Rome, and from 2000 to
2006 he was partner of Panella e Pellegrino Law Firm.
From 2006 he is principal of Panella Law Firm in Rome, via Frattina n.81.
He has italian and international clients. He mostly deals with penal, commercial and tax
law, protection of the public administration, environmental crime and assets.
He attended and attends as lawyer some of the most important criminal cases in Italy,
including cases of major bankruptcy (like the collapse of Cirio Group, of EFIM Group,
of Tirrenia Company of insurance Group), trial of exponents of BLU SpA for alleged
disruption of auction of UMTS licences, trial of air crash of Zurigo-Kloten (1990),
Federconsorzi case, ENIMONT case, trial of abduction of Abu Omar, Telecom case
for “illegal dossier“.
He is a coordinator and lecturer about Criminal and Criminal Procedure Law at law school “Vittorio Emanuele Orlando” of Rome Bar Association.
He is a lecturer at the School of Specialization for Legal Professions of the Faculty of Law at Sapienza University of Rome.
He is Chairman of the "Organismo di Vigilanza" established by Legislative Decree n. 231/2001 of the "Fondo Interbancario per la tutela dei depositi".